Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

torsdag den 6. april 2017

Pridal - Aventure dag 132, 133 og 134

To Fukuoka dag 132, 133 og 134.

Dag 132.

At Sea
Enrichment programs about The History of Japan by Robert Warne – 5 stars!

Dag 133.

Arrival Fukuoka at 1200!

Excursion, Panoramic Fukuoka 1300 -1600 - rainy and windy.

Tenjin shopping center. Stop for 15 minutes. I stayed in the bus with the other men.

I hate shopping centers, when you have no need to buy anything.

Oasis of Ohori Park. Moat for Fukuoka Castle from the Edo period 1603-1867.

Largest castle on Kyushu

Fukuoka Dome, Fukuoka Tower 767 feet tall tower, modernist version of Empire State Building.

Hakate station with more shopping centers. Hakate is the old name for Fukuoka.

Then back to pier.

The guide made up for the dreary weather by telling some short stories and singing a cherry blossom song, and a song explaining why the Japanese like sake all year around.

She also insisted that we used Alligator (arigato), when we wanted to thank somebody, not Crocodile. Then she taught the whole bus to count to ten in Japanese. I have already forgotten.

Short story number 1.

2 poisonous snakes met, the younger seemed to be very worried and asked, are we poisonous snakes, the elder said yes, we are both poisonous snakes, why? The younger looked even more worried and said, this morning by accident I bed my own tongue.

Short story number 2.

I was watching 3 professors standing discussing wildly at the station waiting for the train. Suddenly the train arrived and everybody hurried into it and the train left. Back stood 1 of the professors and he looked very worried. I asked him what was the matter 2 out of 3 wasn’t that bad. He said you understand nothing, the 2 others were seeing me off to the train.

Billedkvaliteten er efter omstændighederne. Taget inde fra en kørende bus med regndråber på ruderne og mange reflekser fra det tykke glas. Jeg synes alligevel at de giver et rimeligt billede af Fukuoka!

 Tilbage til Kyushu - Fukuoka
 den sydligste af de store øer
Næsten en naturhavn
 Regn og blæst - ikke turist vejr
 Kirsebærtræerne blomstrer alligevel
eleverede motor veje over havnen
 Fukuoka Tower 767 feet - ligner et "halvt" tårn! 
 Deres overdækkede Stadion ca. 60.000 siddepladser
Tempel Portal med Kirsebærtræer
 Kun ruinerne tilbage af deres gamle fæstning
 Flere Kirsebærtræer i parken uden for ruinerne
whole park of Pink and White blossoming Cherry trees
 voldgraven med fæstningsmuren i baggrunden
Mere fæstnings mur ?
 Tulipanerne skal ikke glemmes
 Starbucks coffee everywhere
 Main Street where the shopping center is below ground
 flotte blomsterbede hvor der plads
Terrasse bygning med træer på terrasserne
 set på afstand
 lidt tættere på
 moderne kunst
Hakata gamle bynavn for Fukuoka
et af de gamle huse
 indgangen til deres tempel
 den er god nok vi er i Fukuoka
 Statue ved deres Rådhus
Jeg slutter med cherry pink and apple blossom white!

For at give et retfærdigt billede af Fukuoka Tower har jeg lånt et par billeder af Google. Tårnet set fra forskellige vinkler.

 "det halve tårn"
 er trekantet
 og splittet i 2
 helt normal fra denne vinkel
 ligeså her
 flot med lys på
i forskellige farver

Dag 134.

Almost a whole day off, doing nothing. “It is hard to be a tourist all the days”. Frit from Die Nightingales julekalender!

Departure for Hiroshima. 1500

 Ud gennem øhavet
 gennem strædet til Hiroshima
 havnemolen og den store havnebro er synlig
 Fukuoka Tower synligt
Stadion med skydetaget synlig

Farvel til Fukuoka

1 kommentar:

  1. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I got it!!!!

    5 poisonous professors standing discussing wildly at the station waiting for the train
    3 of them speaking in two tongues, 2 of them bit each other.
    Suddenly the train arrived and everybody hurried into it and the train left. Back stood 2 professors, 3 of them bitten, discussing, how it could be, that everybody hurried into the train, but they were still here and still seeing the train?????
    Well maybe I didn’t get 😊
