Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

onsdag den 17. februar 2016

Emirates Billedarkiv over A-380

I Emirates picture archives finder man adskillige flotte A-380 billeder.

Jeg har udvalgt nogle stykker som viser dette fly's kvaliteter

 What wheeler ?  22 wheeler beats most trucks

to x-ray check

 seats across  economy 10, business  8,  first  4

 lots of  tv's

 the X-mas tree is right aligned

 first class suite

aisle at first class

 the first class wonder chair stressed fully out

well coffee tea or me ?

  business class  8 across

first class  toilet with shower cabins


do do

big wing

big tail

 together it works

is it a  22 wheeler ?

easy easy  no tail strike  please!

no doubt it is Emirates

 heavy traffic  below

we are almost down

well we made it once more !!!

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