Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

fredag den 27. januar 2012

Goodbye Oahu - Goodday Maui

At sunset the 24. of january we left Honolulu and at sunrise the 25. we anchored at  Lahaina on Maui  the second largest island in the Hawaiian Islands.
The island of Hawaii is by far the largest island in the group with two active volcanoes - Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. Population wise Oahu is by far the largest.
I joined a motor coach excursion to the panoramic Maui.
Lahaina was once the big place for whaling. There are several Hump-back whales in the warm waters around Maui. Today they are all protected, so the city has to manage without the whaling.
Maui consist of two mountain ranges - dormant vocanoes - like Oahu, and between them a wide valley where most of the people live.

                                                                  The 8 Hawaiian Islands


                                                                      water ....

                                                                       water ...

                                                                  water anywhere

                                                    The Portoguese garden in the valley

                                                           The Japanese garden in the valley

                                              The Korean garden in the panoramic valley

                                                        Old whaling center in Lahaina

                                                          Todays whalers

                                                        Chinese New Year celebration

                                                             The year of the dragon

                                                             What did I say ?

                                                 My way - in my tree in the shadow

                                                In background the main root of the big tree
                                      By the way it is the largest tree of its kind in the world
             This tree is one system where the branches has reach the ground all over the square

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