Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

torsdag den 26. januar 2012

Oahu - Honolulu here we are !!!

Hawai is a group of 8 small islands.The population is about 1,4 million inhabitants.
a mixture of Philipinoes, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, White Americans, White Europeans and the original Polynesians.

                                                                Approaching  Oahu

                                            Diamond Head Crater Honolulu           

                                             Green to port -  red to starboard

                                                       ALOHA tower  ligned up  -  OK

                                                   That is where we get off the ship

My motivation for going to Hawaii was Pearl Harbor - not Waikiki Beach.
I wanted to know why the American Forces were caught with their pants down and thus made it rather easy for the Japanese to do what they did.
To day I heard that the American Generals and Admirals were very worried about sabotage in Honolulu due to the fact that a rather high percentage of the population here were of Japanese origin.
That was why the battleships were lined up on battleship row and all the aircraft lined up wingtip to wingtip in the middle of the airfields. In that way they were easier to survey against sabotage from individuals and submarines.
Why all the "warnings" about something out there was not as it ought be, were overheard, is already known from TV-shows and movies.

The 23. of january at 1600 hrs local time we reached Honolulu.
I joined an excursion to Pearl Harbor by motor coach to attend a patriotic evening with sunset serving of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres aboard the battleship USS Missouri.
"Mighty Mo" as she often is called is best known as the site at the end of World War II where General Douglas MacArthur, on the ships decks, accepted the official full surrender of Japan in september 1945.
The Mighty Mo is built in New York in 1944.
After having been in and out of commission several times she is now moored on battleship row right at the place where USS Oklahoma  was sunk the 7. of december 1941.
She is now a museum for retired "obsolete" battleships.

                                                                          Mighty Mo

                                                                  Welcome aboard

                             Right below that coffin lies USS Arizona - seen from  Mighty Mo

                                                                  Big gunns - turret 1 and 2

                              Kamikaze attack on the side of  Mighty Mo at the battle of Okinava

                                                          Big guns  turret 3

                                                        Worl War II  settled at the Mighty Mo

                                                  Right here it happened - disc in the deck

                                                                   In detail

                                                       Umezu   -    MacArthur 

                                                                    Gun food

                                                                            Man food

The 24. of january I went to the USS Arizona Memorial Park at Pearl Harbor.
It is a modern memorial park with a movie theatre and a lot of different exhibitions.
Climax is reached with a boat trip to the Arizona Memorial itself.
I was surprised to see so many japanese tourists - or were they chinese - hard to tell ?
Anyway they behaved properly.
The americans has gone soft in the information shown in the theatre.
They do not give all the blame to the japanese, they admit that the oil-embargo which President Roosevelt threatened to inforce was contributing to the tension between the two countries.

                                                         Nu'Uanu Pali  lookout

                            Before Pearl Harbor the new King won - nothing new since then !!

                                                   "what made the war turn around"

                                       Oahu is two mountain ranges with Pearl harbor in between

                                        who is  2. lt  Hans C. Christiansen - danish war hero ??

                                                              First wave  -  183 aircraft

                                               Second wave  -  187 aircraft

                                                          Battleship Row

                                                                    over view

                                            Admiral Yamamoto - the bad (brilliant) guy

                                                      Mighty Mo  and the Arizona memorial

                                                 USS Oklahoma overturned

                                        Free torpedo run on Battleship Row for the japanese

                                                             USS Arizona

                                                Names of the crew of  USS Arizona

                                                Inside the coffin of  USS Arizona Memorial

                                     Even to day escapes a bit of oil from the hulk of Arizona

                                          Our happy hawaiian speaking  driver - from  Porte Rico 

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