Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

fredag den 27. januar 2012

Goodbye Hawaii !!!

Hawaii was a positive experience.
Now we are heading 220 degrees and keeping a speed of 20 knots for seven days and then Master Edvardsen says that we hit New Caledonia. It is too easy to navigate today - no excitement.
We will soon cross the Equator and the International Dateline.
The sea looks the same - before and after.
We change from being 12 hrs behind greenwich to being 12 hrs ahead.
That means we loose a whole day, we go from the 30. of january to the 1. of february
The 31. is completely lost.
Soon we will be cruising in the South Pacific, it sounds somehow nice, it must be the movie!
In between they serve lunches like this - not bad.
I refrain from naming the different delicacies shown below

2 kommentarer:

  1. Unbelievable!! Er det hver dag? Hav en fantastisk tur, glæder mig til at følge med i eventyret :-)

  2. If I die and go to cookie heaven, I now know what it looks like!
