Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

fredag den 17. februar 2017

Pridal - Aventure dag 85 og 86

Cairns to Darwin dag 85 og 86

Lige et par Ord om mere om Whitfield house, which is a rainforest luxury Retreat in Cairns used til special events like weddings. The restaurant is famous for its fine kitchen. I had a Barracudiemirnne fish, which looked and tasted deliciously – an extra star to the chef, I should recommend. It is not every day you become film star with 2 nice ladies with a crocodile and a coala bear.

Dag 85 og 86, 2 dage til havs, hvor vi passerer nord om Kap York Australia, og syd om det vestlige Papua New Guinea, igennem Torresstrædet. Vi har Reef Pilot ombord til at hjælpe os gennem slalom turen igennem Great Barrier Reef. En route så vi de kendte øer, Thursday Island og Bupa Bupa Island, før vi drejede mod vest til Darwin. Disse øer er befolkede af de såkaldte Aboriginals. Den Australske Navy patruljerer farvandet næsten uafbrudt som protektion imod bådflygtninge fra Indonesien.

Philosophically Thoughts:

Freedom of the Press should depend upon obligation to prove that, what they publicize is truthful and will stand in court if tried. This should be a minimum request to all medias, so called rumours should be criminal to publicize, even if it is stated that it is only rumours. Breaking news is a very dangerous kind of news in fact it is rumours and should be treated as such. Those self-appointed Media Kings ought like Qvortrup have to explain their mistakes in court, not only by a plain denial in their own paper.

Donald Trumf could, in his press conference the other day, have citrated Sergeant Oddball, played by Donald Sutherland, when he in the movie Kelly’s Heroes, again and again insisted, stop those negative Waves start thinking Positive I hate negative Vibes.

In reality he asked for “one” good question to finish the meeting, after all the bad questions he had had to answer until then. After several attempts, he succeeded in receiving a question which he accepted as good, it was something about healthcare.

It is quite a relief to see a new president, who is not afraid of the press, but uses same “dirty” tricks against them as they for years have been using against his predecessors. It is promising for the future, that the press has experienced, they don’t decide who is going to be the next president. It is completely up to the people.

 en af de nordligste Australske øer
 ganske få landsbyer i dette område
 Thursday Island
 Bula Bula
 Fyrtårne til at hjælpe i dårligt vejr
 Australiens Flådes Patrulje båd
 på vagt over for flygtninge fra Indonesien
 Aboriginel kyst 
 Sidste fyrtårn
 så går det vestpå
 til Darwin
 fra Whitfield House
flotte billeder taget af vores fotograf

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