Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

onsdag den 1. februar 2012

Water .... Water .... Everywhere !!!

Sometimes the crossing of the Equator-festival is vere modest like here.

                                   Some lady can not help it she wants to show her big fat ...

No ships, no birds and no islands -- wait a minute it looks like the Captain has found some small islands around Vanuatu.
Suddenly a deep depression showed up on our direct track to Ny Caledonia and as these pressure systems even in the southern hemisphere moves from west to east chose our Captain to head west towards the Vanuatu Islands to avoid passing right through the center of the depression close to Fiji Islands. The weather system was rather wide spread so we had to fight windspeeds in excess of 50 kts, but I think he saved most of our "china"

                                                  Well through the Vanuatu Islands

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