Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

fredag den 2. marts 2012

Cambodia - Sihanoukville - Phnom Penh

Cambodia has today  15 mill inhabitants of which approximately  10 % lives in the capital  Phnom Penh.
From 1975 to 1979, the Khmer Rouge (Pol  Pot) executed  at least 200.000 people, with the total number of deaths  resulting from the regimes policies estimated to be as many as  2,2  mill, a staggering figure, considering the population of Cambodia at the time was around  7 mill. The King – Sihanouk - was in that period put in house arrest in his palace in Phnom Penh. Otherwise Phnom Penh was evacuated and the people forced to live in the villages in the country. Many of the old buildings in Phnom Penh was destroyed, but the Royal Palace was spared, probably because Sihanouk was a good friend of the rulers in Beijing.

The infrastructure in Cambodia is very poor. It takes 4 hrs to drive 200 km on their best highway. Otherwise they are very interested in foreign tourist coming visiting their country. We had police escort part of the way from Sihanoukville to Phnom Penh. They said that it was because they did not want us to get stuck in the traffic, but it could as well be that they did not want any kind of episodes enroute on our tour.

                                                       Our busses waiting for us on the pier

                                                                Our tourguide to Phnom Penh

                                                            lots of apparent empty land

                                                                  Our driver to the left

                                                selling smuggled petrol from Thailand

                                                                   local taxi service

                                                           our police escort on a motorbike

                                                      Our lunch hotel in Phnom Penh

                                                           The new Phnom Penh skyline

                                                       One of the universities in Phom Penh

                                                                  shopping mall  -  marked

                                                 Cambodian Flag  ( Angkor watt in the flag )

                                                                    The Royal Palace

                                                  Behind the trees - the palace where he lives

                                                          Mekong river behind the buildings

                                                          The Kings Monogram

                                        The "Silver" Pagoda -  (60 kg solid gold Buddha inside )

                                                             Kota where the "royal ashes are kept"

                                                             The National Museum

                                                     Typical Phnom Penh sreet

                                                   The modern factories outside Phnom Penh

                                                    Our "VIP" escort to Sihanoukville

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