Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

mandag den 12. marts 2012

Finally Hong Kong

                                                    Between  China mainland and Hainan

                                                                    Is it mines or what ?

                                                          Fishing net between the mines

                                                                           village before

                                                                          village after

                                                           Kai Tak runway end has changed


                                                         Behind Star ferry terminal Kawloon

                                                           The tallest building on the island

Not much to see on the peak of Victoria

                                                                         The old Tram

                                  Something about round holes contre square holes - I did not get it

If you want to get pregnant white to the left
If you want to get rich black to the right

                                                                        It is cold

                                                              Round and square holes

If you look for it you can see a little white star

                                                                     Suspension bridge

                                                           Tallest building on the island

                                           Junke on its way to Junk Bay - like us

                                                   Here comes the cement to a new byilding !

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