Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

mandag den 19. marts 2012

HKG - Shenzhen - HKG - LHR - NCE

In the middle of the night our Captain sneaked the ship from Junk Bay to a pier in the Modern Terminal Limited, which actually was a part of the new Container Terminal. We disembarked though without using the big cranes.
I was picked up by a socalled twin-city-cab, which was authorized to both Hong Kong and Shenzhen (two number plates both in the front and rear end). It took me to Shekou in Shenzhen where I visited my family. On the border we changed from driving in the left side of the road to the right side, like between Sweden and Norway approx 50 years ago, a little awkward, but it worked.

                                                        Here is a nice pier - we take that !

                                                First Clara the youngest have to go to school

                                                     Then it is time for Joachim !

                                            And finally Anna got to face the facts !

                                                              Then it is time for business

                                                                         not here !

                                                                    but here !

                                          Birk Danish Design - amber - amber - always amber

                                             With all those kids at school - you got to pay a little

                                                      Then meeting at the local "waterhole"

                                 by a coincidence all the colleagues from "Shenzhen Airlines"
                                           were there planning the next revolution - I think !

                                                        I did not know Ulrik had his own bar !

                                                    In the park just outside their flat !

                                                            The oysters comming in !

                                                    Finally the whole family together !

                        I am not sure that Ulrik knows that Mette has an extra job in the traffic police !
                        I think she has forgotten her uniform and without cap you get nowhere in China !

                                           Well  Anna and Mette did not know Ulriks Bar either !

I thank my wonderful family in Shekou for the very nice stay and hope they will continue to have a very nice time in China.

The trip back home with British Airways went on  without any surprises, so here I will stop my "block" for a while !

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