Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

tirsdag den 6. marts 2012

For Mens eyes only -( women could get too many good ideas)

Men’s  equal rights????

 I have been aboard this ship for almost two month, and I have become kind of philosophically about what is happening aboard this ship. Some of my observations might be wrong, but not all of them.

Winston Churchill once sailed aboard an Italian Steamer in the Mediterranean Sea and here he was asked, why he did not choose an English Steamer. He replied that aboard this Italian Steamer they did not practice that nonsense with first women and children even at the table, so he did not feel discriminated aboard this ship.

I was so careless to opt for an eight-seat table. We are 5 women and 3 men at that table and you can imagine a show before we all are seated. The so called Main seating starts at 1800 hrs punctually, but the only person there at that time is me. At 1805 hrs the retired American engineer from Silicon Valley arrives and takes his seat, a minute later our “Ambassador Host” (sophisticated name for a gigolo) turns up and takes his seat. At 1810 hrs the first of the women shows and the retired Engineer jumps to his feet and stands at attention until the lady has chosen a seat, he then hurries to her assistance. The “gigolo” and me look indulgently at the show and think that we come from countries where women have equal rights and obligations. Then with short intervals the whole thing repeats itself and at about 1815 hrs we are all seated. First now the waiter turns up and of course he does not bother about the men, but after having supplied all the ladies with ice water and a menu card, he then mercifully do the same to the men. Then he knows that the first half hour he needs not return, because the women are discussing if they are going to settle for a    3 - 4 - 5 - courses dinner, it takes time! After a while they decide for 5 courses. Then of course it takes time to choose what the 5 courses should be, you know a little bit of this and a little bit of that, so when the waiter finally hope that they have made up their minds he gets disappointed because they have chosen a little bit of everything on the menu card. After some compromises with the women he finally turns to the men and as time has gone the “gigolo” insists to have his 3 courses before the rest of the table because he is on duty in the dance hall in 20 minutes, the engineer and I we decided for 2 courses a main dish and a dessert. Well one hour has gone and we are still sitting with what is left of the ice water, but then the sommelier  arrives and the women start to discuss a very expensive South African wine on the list. As I can hear that the only thing they know about wine is that it is made from grapes not from corn. I then stated that I would not participate in their South African experiment, but settled for a Danish Carlsberg. They did not look pleased because then there were one less sucker to share the bill for that experiment and it was regarded as being disloyal to the table. As I only ordered a main course and dessert, I had to watch the women eat their first 3 courses, while I drank my Carlsberg. Then they had their main courses served and after approximately 2 hours I had my first food that evening and of course it was already cold before it reached me. After the ladies got their dessert I finally got mine – thanks heaven it was not ice cream because it would have melted long before. Having finished my dessert I smiled and tried to put on a grimace that would convince even the most thick-skinned American woman and said thanks for a lovely evening. I am afraid they did not understand what I really meant, so it was a waste of time, Americans think in another way.

Who says that “Taliban” is completely wrong, after such an evening I am reevaluating my beliefs about everything. Of course we cannot ignore Darwin’s theories, so I am convinced that if the female of the Homo  Sapiens Specie had been the physical strongest, we males would not have had anything which just a wee bit reminds you of equal rights as we know today.

Well fellow males go to the “Gym” and keep up the speed otherwise you will soon become history!!!!!

Finally I am not complaining, I will survive a few years more, but the young ones keep alert!!!

No pictures today!

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