Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

lørdag den 29. januar 2011

Til the Antarctic Peninsula og Palmer station (USA)

Vi kom ind ad Bismarck Strait  til Palmer Station og fortsatte ad Gerlache Strait mod "Deception Island".
Her er nogle billeder fra turen i dag. Det er ikke hver dag, man oplever sådant et scenery!

Indsejlingen til Palmer Station

Palmer Station

Palmer Station with own iceberg (icecubes to happy hour)

All Antarctica with the Antarctic Peninsula

Antarctic Seagulls on water

Visitors from Palmer Station in 2 zodiacs

Antarctic Seagull airborne

Næsten danske farver

Stort isbjerg

Master said : 65 degrees south is enough

Deputy swedish skånske viking agreed

So we turned around

Through the Gerlache Strait

Towards  Deception Island

Vores kølvand

Crys-Sy   Port for christs sake

That was better

Just around the corner - surprise

Hej  Anna  se hvad farfar fandt down here.
I did not know that you have been here before.

Sådan så det ud

No not again, no more icecubes for today , we have enough for the happy hour.

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