Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

tirsdag den 21. februar 2012

Bali - Bali Hai

Once upon a time Bali was part of the big island Java, but then the story goes that the ruler of the eastern part of Java came to disagree with his disobedient son and exiled him to the easternmost peninsula of Java. As there should be no doubt about where to the son was allowed, he drew a line with his finger in the sand across the root of the peninsula.
With time this line has deepened  and  widened. Today it is   20 m deep and  3 km wide.

If you look upon a map of the Bali island,  it reminds you of a chicken which just have laid an egg.

                                                             Maersk is even there

                                                                     Party boat

                                                       We were docked on final to the airport -
                        so the aircrafts had to place one landing gear on each side of our chimney


                                                                    Our very good guide

                                                               Not Danish design

                                                          very old paintings on the ceiling

                                                                   Buddhist temple  - in use

                                              Welcome committee from the dancing school

                                           right hand up (heaven) left hand down (the sea)

                                                          The boys are waiting for their turn

                                             They had to "give hand" to all the guests

                                            She was waiting for me to finish taking pictures

                                                                 goodbye  Bali

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