Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

torsdag den 23. februar 2012

Cheating a little

We have only reached  03 degrees south, but "TV" has an agreement with the Master that the ceremony will begin at 11:30 local time, so what do you do ? You blow the ships horn three times and start the ceremony.

Two Pollywogs became Shellbacks today !!

                                                      The ceremony begins

                                                      presentation of the Pollywogs

The Master insists that he is the final judge aboard his ship

                                                                   The Master judge

                                            The pollywogs both gets the finger of the Master

                The Master insist that his fine swimming pool has become dirty, it was not the deal

                                              Neptune becomes insulted of the criticism

                                                     The Master is judged by Neptune

                                                       Master gets the whole treatment

                                                  Culmination -  Master is in the water

                                                       All the passengers appear to be amused

Anticlimax -  The show is finished

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