Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

søndag den 26. februar 2012

Singapore - The city of the Lion (Singha)

Singapore has  5 mill. inhabitants, of which  1,3 mill are foreigners. Of the 3,7 mill local people  77% are Chinese.  Their political system  seems like an enlightened one man (family) rule system, even  if they call it democracy.

 Singapore has become a very modern city, but it is hard to find an overall city-plan. They have put a little bit of everything all over the place. One of the most used crossroads – Orchard road  x Paterson road – has been provided with  underpasses, and if you go down there, it feels like you have entered a  5 storey shopping center  and it seems  like the underpass just disappeared in a confusing  labyrinth.

                                                                        "Nut - Meg"                                                         

                                                           "Sculptures in the harbour"

A riverboat cruise on the Singapore river.

                                                               Raffel himself

A  delightful  trishaw ride on the streets of Singapore.

 A  stop at Raffels Hotel  and a Singapore Sling in the Long Bar.

An  exquisite orchids  trip to the stunning Botanic Garden in Singapore .

A  sumptuous High Tea  served  in impeccable style with English canapés  at the Raffels  Hotel

                                                           Then goodbye  Singapore !!!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Virker som den mest spændende cruise du har været på endnu...
    Der er altid næste år, men er der snart mere verden tilbage at se?

  2. Spændende, at følge din tur, det ser jo fantastisk ud. Håber at, du nyder livet, dejligt at du nåede Henrik i Adelaide :) Mange knus og tanker, Vibeke
