Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

onsdag den 22. februar 2012

World Cruise Games 2012 Crystal Serenity

From Adelaide to Bali aboard Crystal Serenity we held World Cruise Games  consisting of 20 different games stretching from :  Gin Rummy – Table tennis – Lap Swimming – Sudoku – Golf putting – Basket Ball Free Throw – Chess – Social Bridge – Solitaire – etc.

I chose Lap Swimming , which only took place when we were at sea. The water in the swimming pool is a little unpredictable, as it rushes from one end  of the pool to the other, but that makes it a little more exciting of course not for the cautious old people.
I am not scared of water so I won a gold medal to Denmark with very good margin to the competitors

                                                               The ships choir

                                               The Master himself and The Cruise Director

                                                                   The ships dancers

                                                     The ships largest swimming pool

1 kommentar:

  1. Tillykke med guldet :)

    Vidste du trænede til et eller andet hjemme i Juan Les Pins!

    Turen ser helt fantastisk ud.

    Ses i Hong Kong

