Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

torsdag den 29. december 2016

Pridal - Aventure dag 34 - 35 - 36

Through Cook Strait and Across Tasmanian Sea to Sydney.

3 Days at Sea with Enrichments programs during daytime and shows during the evenings. Just relax and do what you feel like not a bad program!

28. Dec. 16

1)     Captains Cooks 2nd voyage 1772-1775, by Dr. Melvyn Bowen. Serious Lecturer, but dull.

2)     What you need to know about Asia in forty-five minutes and one slide, by Jamie Metzl!           He is a great fiddler, proving Abraham Lincolns saying, you cannot fool everybody all the          time. History wise is he correct, but his analysis is all over the place. It is like throwing a lot of balls - wild thoughts - up in the air, and if you are lucky, you might be bang on target with a few, but most will miss and the thoughts be completely wrong. That kind of predictions is waste of time.

3)     Exploring the Oceans, by Prof. David Drewry! Serious Lecturer, very interesting lecture, worthwhile!

29. Dec. 16

1)     Meteorology, The weather down and under, by Dr. Melvyn Bowen. Very interesting-

2)     Rising China, Trump’s America, and the dangerous beginning of a Post-American World, by Jamie Metzl Everybody expected to hear some advice to Trump, but Trump’ name was apparently only mend to attract a greater audience. Nobody dare say anything bad about Trump, they might have to change their opinion, when they know what he real stands for. Interesting words about China, but nothing new.    

3)     Rogers and Hammerstein: prophetic voices of their time, by Jonathan Bailey. Præsentation af to fantastiske Musicals “Oklahoma” og “South Pacific”, meget relevant med “bloody Mary”, “Bali Hai” fra Bora Bora og Moorea Islands.

30. Dec. 16           

1)   Science and Seamanship, by Dr. Melvyn Bowen. Could have been very interesting lecture, but many lecturer thinks they have to start with a joke, to get the audience’ attention. If it is bad joke you make things worse.

2)    Dust, Drought and Deluge: Australia’ extreme climate, by Prof. David Drewry. One of those climate lecturer, who thinks he has seen the light, but dare not answer one single critical question. Nothing new. Uses statistical materiel without thinking about, to whom or what it was prepared. Therefore, not worth veil to spend time on.

3)    Longing for the past, looking for the future, Jonathan Bailey. “The Music Man” and “West Side Story” musicals from 1957. I do not like an Instructor who makes fun of a technician, who cannot make the work of the instructor come through. Bad preparation from both parts.

1 kommentar:

  1. Du må da snart ha så meget senioritet at du selv kan holde et foredrag om hvad cruise gæster vil høre.....
    Just relax and enjoy the show...... kunne det hedde.. :)
