Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

lørdag den 18. marts 2017

Pridal - Aventure dag 113

Ho Chi Minh City to Chan May Vietnam dag 113.

Dag 113. At Chan May.

Excursion to Hue & Perfume River. Kl. 0825 – 1730.

Vi var heldige at få en guide, som virkelig var inde i sit stof, og som samtidig talte et perfekt engelsk. Han underviste i historie og kultur ved universitetet i Da Nang, så det var ikke tilfældigt, at han imponerede med sine lektioner i Vietnams historie og aktuelle forhold. 

Hovedattraktionen i Hue er ”The Forbidden Purple City”, hvor de 13 Emperors af Nguyen Dynastiet residerede med deres ca. 900 concubiner. Det hævdes at Emperor Minh Mang skulle buge op til 5 concubiner pr. nat. Han var far til 42 børn, så noget kom der da ud af det.

Hele anlægget kan sammenlignes med tilsvarende i Beijing. Det er dog ikke så grandiost og noget mindre i omfang.

Next stop was at Thien Mu Pagoda with its seven tiers, one for each reincarnation of Buddha.

At the river bank of the Perfume River, just next to the Pagoda, waited our Dragon Boat to take us down river to the predetermined place where our motor coach was parked.

On our way, to our hotel restaurant in which lunch was arranged, we witnessed skilled workers crafting fine pieces of embroidery in their embroidery workshop.

After lunch, we passed through Dong Ba marketplace.

The last stop was at the magnificent tomb of Emperor Minh Mang who was considered the most brilliant emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty. In reality, nobody knows where he is buried, because the 900 concubines, which did the burial, was all killed afterwards before they could reveal where his dead body was placed.  

Chan May
Between Hue and Da Nang
The French constructed bridge over the Parfume River
Forbidden Purple City
cannones at the Entrance
at the Noon gate
The Entrance Building
Two beautiful women
Still at the Entrance
same area
we gather before we enter
above the entrance
very nice ornaments
lay out of the Palads
from the side
next building
Are they fishing ?
or cleaning the water
more details
at this gate
Palads building
more buildings
more details
some sort of a bell
It says so
outer palads is reconstructed
after war damages
The Mens Gate
is very nice - of course
Buddha Pagoda
onboard the River Boat
Captain at the Wheel
River Boat
on the Parfume River
River boat landing
Twin Boat like ours
Vietnams plage - Motor Bikes
all over the place
very nice
hand made - impressive
real hand work
certificate of something
Mausoleum - Minh Mang
last embroidery picture
Buildings around
that is right
next building
Mingh Mang and his meritter
Where he is buried - nobody knows!

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