Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

onsdag den 22. marts 2017

Pridal - Aventure dag 117

Dag 117. At Hong Kong.

Excursion Panoramic Hong Kong.

Scenic journey up via winding roads to Victoria Peak. Downhill to South side Hong Kong Island to Repulse Bay.

Back to Kowloon via western tunnel passing by the renowned world famous Tsingma Bridge.

A stop at Ngong Ping Skyrail Station, which have been closed for the last 6 month. 
Pictures of the Landing (under construction) of the 60 km. long bridge from Macau to HKG International Airport on Lantau. 

Then return to CrySy.

on top Victoria Peak
view on top Victoria
Still Victoria
more cable car
view Victoria
tall Building
foot of tallest - Kowloon
new buildings
bridge to Lantau
more bridge
and new buildings
60 km to Macau
mangler lidt endnu
elegant balance
huse til lufthavnspersonalet
I do not know how it fits together, but it does

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