Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

mandag den 20. marts 2017

Pridal - Aventure dag 114

Chan May to Sanya, Hainan China dag 114.

Dag 114. At Sanya.

Excursion: Sanya Highlights kl. 0900 – 1330.

We headed for Luhuitou Park as first stop. The name means “deer turns head”.

At the top of the hill on which the Park is situated, you find a huge sculpture of a deer turning her head back to look at a human figure at her side, representing a transformative love story between deer and hunter.

From the hilltop, you have a fantastic view of downtown Sanya and the surrounding beaches with white sand and lots of hotels.

The hill is 350 meters high. At the bottom, we changed from motor coaches to a kind of “golf-buggy”. From about 250 meter to the top, we had to walk. It required you had reached a certain level in your fitness training.

Second stop was at the beautiful, famous beach Dadonghai Bay. It was crowded, it is all I am going to say about that beach.

Third stop was at the Pearl Culture Museum, where we were introduced to the cultivation of precious pearls. There are pearls and so there are precious pearls. You got to know a lot about pearls to invest in precious pearls, otherwise you get cheated.

 Sydspidsen af Hainan
 Hvad er nu det
 Husmoden skifter
 Er der problemer med lejere
 Et lille skub om nødvendigt
 De passer på os
 Jeg tror  at de er ved at forbygge sig
 At the foot of the hill
 Det ligner en Buggy
 Cruise terminalen med CrySy
 Buggy home
 Entrance to the last 100 meter climb
 siges at være et love symbol
 Den store Skulptur
 der står I love You
 over Sanya City
 Så er vi on top of the hill - 350meter
 Fortæller historien om the Deer and the Hunter
 Skulptøren har signeret
 Guiden syntes jegskulle i kassen
 once more
 Nu er det nok
 farvestålende kiosk
 mere nybyggeri til onkel tommas
 Alle ville sælge et eller andet
 Udgangs portalen
 Water Buffalo
 Politiet rykker ud
 talstærkt men besindigt
 Tyven havde allerede gemt sig i mængden
 Hotel indgangen
 Too crowded to me
 men der er jo så mange kinesere
 at det her er god plads
 de er glade for udsmykninger
 det var lidt overskyet eller diset
 så solbaderne
 Stedet har faktisk tropisk klima
 Perler af enhver art
 kan du lide østers
 to the King
 to the Queen
 til pynt
 sådan laves det
 ja hvorfor ikke
 flot ser det ud
 alle farver
 og former
 selv blå farver
 CrySy lige på den anden side - faktisk på en ø
Mit Stateroom  næst øverste etage med veranda

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