Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

fredag den 6. januar 2017

Pridal - Aventure dag 39 - 40 - 41

Sydney - Melbourne    dag 39 - 40 - 41

Dag 39-40   At Sea
with Enrichment programs and Penguin Party with Master.

1)      Exploring the Oceans.  OK but dull!

2)      Eternal Sonata: The Science, Science Fiction and Bioethics of the Genetics Revolution. He was still trying to create Super Humans no matter what history tells us about that.   
Dag 41 Ekskursion to Panoramic Melbourne!

Sightseeing bus tour to Melbourne’s attractions, pictures follows.

In the evening, we were a small party (5 guests from the ship + about 20 guests staying at the Hotel + of course Master and some of his officers), who were going on the “Grand Pacific Explore Tour” in the coming weeks!

We were invited to a Cocktail Party on the 35’s floor in Hotel Sofitel downtown Melbourne. Of course, picked up in a Limo both from CrySy and back again in the same Limo, we thought of got to know the driver. My driver had been in Sydney New Year’s Evening and had seen the Fireworks. After the Cocktail Party, we continued with a sitting dinner with music and song and dance for the young ones. We felt like celebrities feel I believe? Well make no mistake, it is included in the price for the ticket somewhere.

 Broen overlevede Fyrværkeriet
 Ligeledes Operaen
 Gråvejr så farvel Sydney
 for denne gang
 Melbournes grimmeste bygning
 Der er stil over det gammeldags byggeri
 Jeg tror det er Hovedbanegården der gemmer sig bag dette
 man kan íkke være sikker
 Det er Fodbold Stadion
 Hov det er her vi skal til party i aften
 Parlamentet for Staten Victoria
 Gammel Pariser-stil
 Ja nemlig
 Flot Museum
 De har kopieret Copenhagen
 Skandalen fra 1. Verdenskrig
 Nederlaget  ses
 ANZAG  Memorial
 on top of the hill
 ANZAG  2. Verdenskrig
 anden vinkel
 Overdækket Stadion
 Cathedral - Katolsk
 Paven har nok "spyttet" i kassen
 eller hvad - sulten
Millennium Wheel - nu kører det!

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