Crystal Symphony

Crystal  Symphony
"CrySe" i Sydney Harbor

mandag den 9. januar 2017

Pridal - Aventure dag 47

Stewart Island New Zealand    dag 47

Tænk Neptun var næsten faldet i søvn, da vi sneg os ned til Stewart Island fra Milford Sound. We still have the Roaring Fortieth coming! Even the Swells were manageable for our Tenders, so everybody got to set foot on the end of the world as they call Stewart Island down here. It is a very small island with approximately 400 inhabitants. From what they get their standard of living is a mystery to me. Of course, catching fish and herding sheep are two possibilities, but it does not look like it is what they do? – manna from heaven maybe? 85% of the island is protected area – now I got it, they get their living from protecting their land from predators, which do not exist!

 I udkanten af New Zealand
 Beskyttende fjord
 Masters udsigt
 blæsende kølig sommerdag hernede
 der ser ud til at klare op
 vi kan næsten se landsbyen
 god salgsteknik - fortæl hvor du er
 Maorierne kalder byen Oban, så det hedder den
 passende størrelse supermarked
 selvfølgelig et bykort
 ligeledes et hotel
mindesmærke - 6 unge mænd døde i 1, verdenskrig
Bybillede - typisk indtryk af stedet

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